What is the Game Changers Program?
Our Game Changers program is a program where we work with children who have very little or no hope for their future. We go on a journey of self-discovery with each child. We start at the self-discovery side of it and work our way through different obstacles that each child might face and help them get to a point where they have purpose, understanding of their value, good character and a giving back mentality. Our whole aim is to walk alongside the child and instill certain values and life skills within the child through sport and entrepreneurial thinking.
We want the child to be able to feel worthy, think progressively, have a good character as well as behaviour that will help them create their own futures; either having their own businesses or becoming a world class employee.
When a Game Changers exits our program and enters the world of adulthood we see him or her being able to stand on their own feet, knowing who they are and where they want to go but at the same time also have a willingness to give back to society. We expect our Game Changers to become the role models and leaders of the next generation.
Sport teaches us many different values and life skills such as:
being an individual with strengths but also being part of a team
good sportsmanship
to become great you need to put in hard work
winning is important but it’s not as important as your attitude when you lose etc.
Entrepreneurship teaches us to create value and to exchange it with others to the benefit of all. It requires determination to keep trying, have a progressive mindset in life and business and to pursue your dreams relentlessly. Being open to input and always willing to learn is an integral part of being an Entrepreneur. An Entrepreneur understands that all people are equal in value but different in function. These and many more are all values and skills we want to instill in each Game Changers.
We are a giving back program. It’s a place where volunteers can give back there time, talent or treasure and where our Game Changers give back there commitment. We also teach our Game Changers to give back in their own way and one day when they are adults to give back more than they received. We all have a story to tell; we want to change the story of every Game Changers from hopelessness to a story of a child with significant purpose and willingness to change the world with whatever he or she is called to do.